What is a Turkish Kimlik Card?

If you're planning to become a citizen of Turkey, you'll need to get the cimlic. Alternative transcription options are possible too, such as kimlik, kimlyk, or cimlik. It's the Turkish Identification Number issued in the format of a plastic card. In this text, we'll explain its essence and enumerate its benefits.

What Is Cimlic?

It's an identity card that all locals get obligatory. Foreigners can apply for it alone or together with their families. Typically, they get it in exchange for buying real estate in the country. After you get a kimlik, you can pass it on to your descendants.

This document will feature your following personal data:

  • Photo
  • Name and surname
  • Date of birth
  • Gender
  • Nationality

On its front side, its serial number and validity period will be indicated. Plus, there will be your signature there. On the back side, there will be your parents' names, the name of the authority that issued the document, and a series of machine-readable characters.

You can upload the information about your driving license on your kimlik's chip. Then, it won't be necessary to carry the license with you.

If you lose this plastic card, it won't be a problem to restore it. Report the loss to the police and apply for a replacement card.

What Is Ikamet?

Ikamet is issued exclusively to foreigners but not locals. It's a residence permit that enables you to stay in the country for more than 90 days. It can be issued to you for a limited period of time – such as a few months or a couple of years, depending on your goals in the country. The goal of your stay will be indicated on the document. Then, you might be allowed to prolong it as many times as you wish. Usually, foreigners request an ikamet because they would like to study in Turkey, get medical treatment, travel around the country, or stay there for humanitarian reasons.

Difference Between Cimlik and Ikamet

Ikamet grants a foreigner a smaller scope of rights, compared to cimlic. For instance, you won't be allowed to work in Turkey or run for an election. To get employed officially, it will be necessary to obtain an additional permit.

If you live long enough in the country with an ikamet, you might be allowed to apply for a cimlic. However, this process would require a more detailed description and we won't focus on it in this article.

Difference Between Cimlik and Passport

Turkey can also issue national passports to foreigners who'd like to relocate to the country or invest in it. However, it's not always necessary. It's easier to carry a plastic card with you than a passport. When you want to use any services within the country, it's enough to show your kimlik – keep on reading to discover the exact list of services where this document comes in handy.

People who were born in Turkey need passports to travel abroad. With a cimlik, you can enter only a handful of countries. If you already have a passport of another state, you may prefer to use it for your trips instead of a Turkish one, if you wish.

Eligibility Criteria

A foreigner has the right to apply for a cimlik if they tick one of these boxes:

  • Prove that at least one of their parents was a Turkish citizen at the moment of giving birth to them
  • Become a husband or a wife of a Turkish citizen
  • Get a visa to work in Turkey and spend at least 5 years there without interruption
  • Buy a property in Turkey and live in the country for 5 years or longer
  • Invest at least $400,000 in any type of real estate or a plot of land – within the terms of the investment program for wealthy individuals, you won't have to spend any specific period of time in the country
  • Invest at least half a million USD in local capital
  • Launch a business in Turkey and hire at least 50 locals

No matter which of these routes you opt for, it's mandatory to be aged 18 or older and have a legal source of a stable income.

The route of investing at least $400,000 in real estate is the most hassle-free one. If you invest in local real estate, business, or capital, you won't have to prove language proficiency to get your kimlik. For all the other routes, the language test is mandatory.

If you make an investment, its amount will be calculated in USD because it's a stable currency. However, you'll be required to transfer the funds using the Turkish Lira, which can be prone to inflation.

Validity Period

A cimlic in Turkey is issued for an unlimited time. Unlike an ikamet, you won't need to prolong it.

However, the plastic card as a physical carrier is supposed to be renewed every 10 years. You won't have to repeat the complete application procedure every time.

Registration Period

Generally, you should be able to receive your Turkish ID within half a year after applying for it. Depending on the authorities' workload, the waiting time can be even shorter.


The overall expenses of obtaining the kymlik as a foreign investor can exceed $3,000 per individual. These include an entry visa for those who need it, translation of your papers, fees, health insurance, and opening a local bank account.

Rights and Obligations of Cimlik Owners

Cimlik gives you access to the entire scope of social guarantees. These include:

  • Free medical care
  • Free education in schools and universities
  • Access to a range of governmental services
  • Opportunity to get loans and benefit from other financial services in local banks
  • Right to run in elections and vote

The scope of cimlik's application is wide, so it's advisable to always carry this document with you. If a police officer asks you to show this document and you refuse, you'll get a fine.

Your primary obligations as a citizen will be to obey the national laws and pay your taxes timely.


If you buy a Turkish cimlik by investing in the local real estate or economy, please prepare the following papers:

  • Application
  • Passport copy
  • Valid ikamet
  • Birth certificate
  • Marriage certificate
  • Proof that you have enough money
  • Proof that you have always been law-obedient
  • Proof that you meet the eligibility criteria

All of them need to be apostilled and translated.

Step-by-Step Process

When applying for a cimlic, foreigners should stick to this algorithm:

  1. Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria. It's advisable to contract an expert to consult you.
  2. Collect, translate, and notarize the documents.
  3. Submit your application. You can do it in Turkey or in its consulate or embassy in another country. If you want an authorized representative to handle the process on your behalf, discuss it with a lawyer.
  4. Wait until the authorities process your application. They have a right to ask you to provide additional documents, depending on your personal circumstances.
  5. Get the official notification.
  6. Take an oath of allegiance to Turkey. At this step, an authorized representative can't substitute you. It's mandatory to arrive in the country in person.
  7. Get your kimlik.

In most cases, everything goes without a hitch and foreigners successfully receive their cimlics.

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